And then there it was, the final day in the US. DeAnne was so kind to drive me to the airport. At the airport I said goodbye and thanked her (and Bret) from the bottom of my heart for being such a fantastic host for the last couple of days. The checking-in of the bike was must quicker as it was in Amsterdam. The flight itself was uneventful, other than that I was siting next to a crying baby for the complete flight, which seems to be my thing when flying :P. At Schiphol I was welcomed by my mother and three of my friends (Ruud, Emil and Marc). On the one hand arriving in Amsterdam marked the end of a fantastic experience, on the other hand I was again in good-old Holland, between friends and family, which was something I missed quite a bit. We had quite some coffee and lunch at the airport, after which my mom drove me home, where I spent the rest of the day cleaning up my stuff and getting ready for tomorrow, when I'm going back to work and normal life starts again........
Trans America Trail 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014
Days 76-79: Seattle, WA (Last days and travelling)
And then there it was, the final day in the US. DeAnne was so kind to drive me to the airport. At the airport I said goodbye and thanked her (and Bret) from the bottom of my heart for being such a fantastic host for the last couple of days. The checking-in of the bike was must quicker as it was in Amsterdam. The flight itself was uneventful, other than that I was siting next to a crying baby for the complete flight, which seems to be my thing when flying :P. At Schiphol I was welcomed by my mother and three of my friends (Ruud, Emil and Marc). On the one hand arriving in Amsterdam marked the end of a fantastic experience, on the other hand I was again in good-old Holland, between friends and family, which was something I missed quite a bit. We had quite some coffee and lunch at the airport, after which my mom drove me home, where I spent the rest of the day cleaning up my stuff and getting ready for tomorrow, when I'm going back to work and normal life starts again........
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Day 75: Shelton, WA - Seattle, WA (150/150 + 7/7)
Today was really, really the last day of riding in the US... sniff, sniff. The weather was again pleasant and the route over rolling back roads.
Yesterday I looked up the schedule for the ferry from Bremerton to Seattle. I could just catch an earlier ferry, but I would have to hurry for that. After hurrying for a short while I decided that it actually made no sense to hurry, as a ferry later would be just as fine. The decision was backed up by a Starbucks along the road, so I took the time for a cup of coffee and a slice of cake.
When I arrived in Bremerton I now also had time to look at some of the old aircraft carriers in the naval port from a distance. I also had time now for some lunch with more coffee at the ferry terminal. The ferry had special bicycle places and was totally free for cyclists :) The ferry ride if roughly one hour across the Puget Sound was really pretty, with a nice view over the Seattle skyline.
In Seattle I called Bert and DeAnne, my hosts for the coming four nights. After about half an hour of riding through the hilly streets of Seattle I reached their house. They welcomed me and let me park my bike in the middle of the living room! After dinner Bret showed me how to find the nearest bike shops around and how to get to all the places I want to visit in and around Seattle.
It's a rather strange feeling not having to ride my tomorrow. On the other hand it's also quite liberating... guess I had my share of cycling the last (almost) eleven weeks.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Day 74: Centralia, WA - Shelton, WA (150/150 + 5/7)
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Day 73: County Line Park, WA - Centralia, WA (150/150 + 3/7)
Tonight it had been raining all night and this morning it was still raining. So that meant again packing a wet tent, this time in the rain. As I set off I wore all my warm and mostly waterproof clothes. Off course the rain stopped shortly after, so I had to take them all off again.
The first part of the route was along a very busy highway with lots of logging trucks. Some truckers were not pleased with cyclists on 'their road' and showed this by blowing their horn just as they passed... rather startling and annoying :(
Luckily after some 10 miles the route turned to much quieter, steeply rolling back roads. Though the raining had stopped, the skies would be grey all day. At the beginning of the afternoon the drizzle was turning into real rain again and I dove into a gas station for a cup of remarkably good coffee, after which the rain had luckily stopped for the rest of the day.
Initially I planned to camp at the Lewis and Clark State Park, but that would mean a short day today and a long one today and possibly again camping in the rain. Especially as it was dry right now I decided to push on untill I reached Centralia. Jesse told me yesterday that I really didn't want to stay at the RV park there, luckily I found a cheap hotel right on the route. This had the additional benefit that I could dry my clothes and especially my tent. My tent will not be used anymore during this trip, so this was a good moment to dry and pack it for the last time.
When I finally got the WiFi working I got to the task of Finding a WarmShowers host in Seattle. This had appeared to be rather difficult and I had been contacting people for almost a week now. Luckily I now found someone that would host me for the last four nights of my trip :) All that remains now is two easy days of cycling and a ferry towards Seattle, then 3 days of sightseeing in Seattle and then the flight back home.